Personal: Magical Thinking Won’t Stop Fascism
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Personal: Magical Thinking Won’t Stop Fascism

I’m writing this blog post after driving to work listening to a podcast that just made me more and more frustrated. I’m not going to say which podcast it was because I’ve spent my entire adult life on the internet and the current social media culture doesn’t exactly allow for nuanced critique. The episode was about taking care of yourself in this larger socio-political global moment and navigating the feelings of shame, guilt, obligation that come up when feeling like you need to prioritize your own safety and sanity. This is something that deeply resonates with me right now and I was hoping for a few “A-ha!” moments, and instead I got a greatest hits of what I can only call privileged magical thinking.

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Guest Post: Cultivating Hope
Guest Post Guest Guest Post Guest

Guest Post: Cultivating Hope

I’m excited to again share a guest post from Doozy! In this post Doozy reflects on the necessity of hope in the world. She writes about things we might take for granted or not appreciate, our interconnectedness with the seen and unseen world around us, and the hope those things can provide when things look bleak or we are exhausted by everything happening. She talks about her view on hope as an important magic that takes conscious effort but can transform the world.

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Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching

Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands

This month we remember a short-lived micronation that was born as a political response to LGBTQ+ discrimination in Australia. This micronation was founded in 2004 and lasted until 2017. The territory was comprised of small and mostly uninhabited islands and reefs in the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland, Australia.

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Ritual: Healing and Strength for Marginalized Communities
Ritual White Rose Witching Ritual White Rose Witching

Ritual: Healing and Strength for Marginalized Communities

After the attack on Pulse a poem began making the rounds online that really stuck with me. Over the last month or so I’ve found this poem floating into my conscious mind more frequently without really realizing why. A few weeks ago I turned to Google to find the entire poem and, upon reading it, I realized what my Queer Ancestors were trying to tell me.

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Ritual: Protection For Whistleblowers And Activists
Ritual White Rose Witching Ritual White Rose Witching

Ritual: Protection For Whistleblowers And Activists

I don’t know who else has an unhealthy obsession with current events - which might end up being it’s own post in regards to boundaries and protecting your energy - but I can’t seem to stop checking Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. for the latest news about the creeping authoritarianism overtaking the United States. One of the more recent discussions has been the directive from the current administration requiring hospitals to send data related to COVID to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as has been the norm. If the history of this administration is any indication, let alone their determination to downplay this pandemic, we have every reason to worry about the suppression or manipulation of data related to infections or deaths from COVID to fit a political narrative to help with the President’s reelection.

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Why ‘White Rose’? The Story Behind The Name
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Why ‘White Rose’? The Story Behind The Name

I want to explain the story behind the name ‘White Rose Witching’. For a long time I’ve wanted to be more open about my spirituality and at the beginning of 2020 I decided to create a website where I could work out some of my thoughts on witchcraft and spiritual practice, share some of the things that I do, and hopefully find a way to connect with my local community and give back. At worst, this is a creative outlet and at best, some folks out there might connect with some of the things I do or ways I think about witchcraft.

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