Guest Post: Recipe for the Resistance - A Lemon Rosemary Cake to Fuel Your Activism

“Doozy” is a pantheistic hedgewitch on the east coast. She enjoys connecting with magical energies through every day actions, radical activism, and intuitive engagement.

With the intense escalations happening this week as a result of the terrorism of the police state, I found myself in need of some fuel for resistance. Eyeing this recipe for some time anyway, I decided it was time to give it a go!

Kitchen witches assemble! 

Meyer Lemon-Rosemary Loaf Cake

Now this isn’t my recipe, just one I had bookmarked. Truly, everything is a spell if you believe in yourself. All you need to turn any action or recipe into magic is a strong intention and a little imagination. I’m not a ceremonial witch and wouldn’t tell anyone else how to set up their ceremonies anyway, so feel free to set up any kind of sacred space you prefer to make this bake. I chose to use the spirits and energies already present in my kitchen, who I have a pretty good relationship with anyway. In addition, I chose this particular recipe because of the spirits of each of the ingredients, listed below.

  • Butter - to call on the tenacity it takes to churn and the resilience fats give us

  • Lemon - for energy, balance, and hope

  • Sugar and Vanilla - to remind us of the good in the world

  • Rosemary - for protection, clear-mindedness, and pain reduction

  • Baking soda - to ward off tear gas

  • Eggs - for holding together and feeling strong, the energy of life

  • Buttermilk - for being able to make use of the energies of change

  • Einkorn - a flour I use to venerate my ancestors. This is an ancient, un-hybridized wheat cultivated by neolithic Europeans. Even if your ancestors didn’t use this grain personally, call on mine and I have asked them to lend freedom fighters the energy they used to fuck up some Roman invaders.

Simply follow the recipe! (Linked above.)

With each step, focus your intention on the energy of that ingredient and your will for that energy to be carried to those who eat it and those they love, feeling this desire deeply in your solar plexus. Though the recipe says to make two loaf cakes, I chose to make a loaf cake and cupcakes (I took those out after 28 minutes) to have this spell work both at home and away.

When kitchen witching, I’ve found it helpful to play music relevant to the intention I have, letting the recipe know its purpose, so for this I chose some resistance music. See below for a few things that came on my Pandora (not a comprehensive list in ANY WAY, just what I had easily on hand in that moment), but always feel free to use your own playlists. 


  • Equal Rights, Equal Lefts - Otep

  • Feeding Frenzy - Otep

  • More Fire - Otep

  • River of Fire - In This Moment

  • Big Bad Wolf - In This Moment

  • Comanche - In This Moment

  • I Disagree - Poppy

  • BLOODMONEY - Poppy

  • The Reckoning - Within Temptation

  • I’m America - Cilver

  • Make a Move - Icon for Hire

Fight on friends! And never forget to gather for yourself the energy you will need to do it!


Remembering Pulse


Ritual: Maintaining Boundaries For Work/Life Balance