Ritual: Protection For Whistleblowers And Activists

I don’t know who else has an unhealthy obsession with current events - which might end up being it’s own post in regards to boundaries and protecting your energy - but I can’t seem to stop checking Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. for the latest news about the creeping authoritarianism overtaking the United States. One of the more recent discussions has been the directive from the current administration requiring hospitals to send data related to COVID to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as has been the norm. If the history of this administration is any indication, let alone their determination to downplay this pandemic, we have every reason to worry about the suppression or manipulation of data related to infections or deaths from COVID to fit a political narrative to help with the President’s reelection.

In times like these we are forced to rely on those within the political machine to speak out and expose corruption, to shine a light in the shadows. As we’ve seen this is not without risk. “Whistleblowers” frequently put their careers, and possible their lives, on the line. When I first read about the move to sideline the CDC from COVID-related reporting I immediately thought “I hope there is someone at HHS who will call out this administration if they try to suppress data about this virus…” which was quickly followed by an idea for a ritual to provide concealment and protection to these brave souls in order to do this important work.

I’ve worked closely with Santa Muerte for a number of years and have maintained an altar to her for a while. She has a wide variety of devotees but she is very well known and loved by those for who concealment or secrecy can be key to their survival: members of the LGBTQ+ community, sex workers (especially those who have no option but to engage in sex work for survival), dissidents and activists, folks who engage in illicit or illegal activities, etc. I’ve structured the below ritual to call upon Her mercy and protection because of my relationship with Her, but you could easily substitute in any deity or spirit you work with who could provide a similar blessing.

Additionally, as a federal secret police that seems to operate with no local accountability descends on American cities this ritual can be adapted to ask for protection for activists.

Petition to Santa Muerte to Protect Whistleblowers/Activists

You will need:

1 black candle to represent her aspect of la Niña Negra, with a candle holder

1 red candle to represent her aspect of la Niña Roja, with a candle holder

1 green candle to represent her aspect of la Niña Verde, with a candle holder

Rum to be used as an offering


Statue of Santa Muerte*

*My statue is Santa Muerte in her seven-aspect color model which is why I use colored candles to connect with specific aspects.

The statue of Santa Muerte is placed at the center-point on the back of my altar space. I place the the three candles spaced out in front of her. From left to right they are black, red, and green. Before lighting the candles I use the salt to circle the base of each candle holder. My intention behind this is to use the protective qualities of salt to reinforce the desire I have to protect whistleblowers/activists by calling on these specific aspects of Santa Muerte.

While lighting the black candle I say:

Niña Negra, nuestra senora de la noche, le pido su bendición para proteger a aquellos que requieren secreto y sigilo. Mantenlos a salvo en tu sombra. Déjelos operar sin ser vistos por aquellos que buscan dañarlos.

(Niña Negra, our lady of the night, I ask for your blessing to protect those who require secrecy and stealth. Keep them safe in your shadow. Let them operate unseen by those who seek to harm them.)

While lighting the red candle I say:

Niña Roja, nuestra señora del poder, le pido su bendición para proteger a aquellos que buscan protegernos. Aleja las maldiciones y la violencia de nuestros enemigos.

(Niña Roja, our lady of power, I ask your blessing to protect those who seek to protect us. Turn away the curses and violence of our enemies.)

While lighting the green candle I say:

Niña Verde, nuestra jueza, le pido su bendición para proteger ellos que traen la verdad de aquellos que usarían la ley como un arma para silenciarlos. Que la ley traiga justicia y no opresión.

(Niña Verde, our judge, I ask your blessing to protect those bringing the truth from those who would use the law as a weapon to silence them. May the law bring justice and not oppression.)

I then pour a shot glass full of rum and place it on the front of the altar while saying:

Santa Muerte, que me protege y me guía, le doy este alcohol en agradecimiento por su ayuda. Cuando vea cumplida esta solicitud, te daré más.*

(Santa Muerte, who protects and guides me, I give you this rum in thanks for your assistance. When I see this request fulfilled I will give you more.*)

*Keep your end of the bargain! Working with spirits is all about building relationships. If you promise to do something for them, especially in return for their help, make sure you can follow through on it. After all, would you keep helping a friend who never stuck to their word? Is that a relationship you would want to keep?


Ritual: Healing and Strength for Marginalized Communities


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