Ritual: Protection For Whistleblowers And Activists
Ritual White Rose Witching Ritual White Rose Witching

Ritual: Protection For Whistleblowers And Activists

I don’t know who else has an unhealthy obsession with current events - which might end up being it’s own post in regards to boundaries and protecting your energy - but I can’t seem to stop checking Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. for the latest news about the creeping authoritarianism overtaking the United States. One of the more recent discussions has been the directive from the current administration requiring hospitals to send data related to COVID to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as has been the norm. If the history of this administration is any indication, let alone their determination to downplay this pandemic, we have every reason to worry about the suppression or manipulation of data related to infections or deaths from COVID to fit a political narrative to help with the President’s reelection.

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