New Moon Ritual: December 2024 Black Moon
We’re ending 2024 with a Black Moon, which somehow seems appropriate. What is a “Black Moon”? Well, you may have heard of its counterpart the Blue Moon. There are a handful of meanings for the term “Blue Moon” but one of the most common is a bit of modern American folklore* - the second full moon in a calendar month. A “Black Moon” then, in this understanding, is the second new moon in a calendar month.
New Moon Ritual: December 2024
It was night. The forest was blanketed in snow. The trees were bare. The air was still and sharp with the cold. There was a pervasive silence, the type of muffled hush you only get after heavy snowfall. The only light came from the stars in the sky, reflecting back from the frost. This was an empty world, devoid of life and motion.
New Moon Ritual: August 2024
Imagine reliving a “greatest hits” of the times in your life when you felt most powerless. Sounds great, right? That is how the message of this ritual started. Admittedly, I was buckling up for a long night.
New Moon Ritual: November 2023
It was a bit of a scattered experience. At one point I woke up because it felt like someone was playing with my hair, which has never happened before in this house. I’m still on the fence if that is related to this ritual or something else entirely.
New Moon Ritual: September 2023
The lesson I took from this ritual is that practicing a liberatory spirituality means we are seeking more than just liberation for ourselves. A true liberatory spirituality also seeks liberation for those we encounter. The liberation we seek for ourselves and others is the freedom to live authentically.
New Moon Ritual: August 2023
The way the moon presented to me was like I was starting into a cup of thick, viscous fluid somewhere between the color of oil and the dark crimson of blood from a deep wound. There was a physicality to this month’s divination ritual that made me think less about what the future holds and grounded me firmly in the present moment.
New Moon Ritual: July 2023
Will-o’-the-wisp. Corpse candle. Ignis fatuus.
My dreams for this new moon divination ritual were full of these ghost lights. In folklore these lights are often believed to toe the line between mischievous and malicious, luring travelers off of safe paths and into bogs, over cliffs, or into the realms of fairy.
New Moon Ritual: June 2023
I really waffled on whether to write something this month. Not because what I saw was scary or inappropriate, but mostly because I don’t really understand or remember a lot of what I saw. I thought “I shouldn’t share this since I don’t even know what to say”, and then realized so much of what is shared on social media creates false expectations of perfection or mastery.
New Moon Ritual: April 2023
While the Call To Action post would technically qualify as my first post-ritual write up, I did not intend to make a habit out of writing down the thoughts and experiences I have during these monthly practices. After this month’s ritual, however, I think that recording these somewhere might be a good idea. And since I manage this blog it seemed like 1) an easy option and 2) allows y’all to engage with this process if you feel so inclined.