New Moon Ritual: July 2023

Will-o’-the-wisp. Corpse candle. Ignis fatuus.

My dreams for this new moon divination ritual were full of these ghost lights. In folklore these lights are often believed to toe the line between mischievous and malicious, luring travelers off of safe paths and into bogs, over cliffs, or into the realms of fairy. “Corpse candles” have the unique quality of being associated directly with death. They were thought to be omens of death - appearing near the home of someone about to die, or above the spot where a grave would be dug. Or, they were thought to appear in cemeteries over the graves of the unbaptized.

Whatever they were thought to be, they were a reminder that travelers, especially at night, needed to be keenly aware of their surroundings and the path they were on. And that is what I feel the message from last night’s ritual is: awareness and discernment.

Right now it is important to discern between the path you should be traveling and paths you may be feeling called to by actors who don’t have your best intentions (or actual safety) in mind. Take a look around and determine if you’re where you thought you would be or if you are making progress towards your intended destination. Have you been lured off-road by something shiny?

Or, to take the approach of the corpse candle, is this a warning that the path you are currently on is leading to tragedy?

There are so many things, beyond trickster lights, that are vying for our attention and trying to pull us in multiple directions: social media, local/state/national/international politics, relationships, etc. Take the message of this ritual as a reminder to pause, take stock of where you are and where you’re going to avoid getting lost in the wilderness. And, if you happen to find yourself lost in said wilderness, remember you have the skills and community you need to find your way back to the right path.


New Moon Ritual: August 2023


Queer Ancestor Spotlight: UpStairs Lounge Fire