Call To Action: Tending To The Dead
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Call To Action: Tending To The Dead

I want to start this by saying I am in no way the first person to discuss the otherworldly impacts of things like war, the pandemic, or climate change when it comes to the dead. If anything, I’m just adding to a list of voices that are calling for the same thing - the need to tend to our dead. The beginning of Spring (in the northern hemisphere) might seem like a weird time to draw attention to death and the dead, after all this is the time of rebirth and new beginnings and life coming back into the world, but strangely I think that is exactly why it’s important to remember our dead right now.

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Connecting With Land Spirits Through Urban Farming
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Connecting With Land Spirits Through Urban Farming

My husband and I spent the day working in the yard. We recently received some trees and berry bushes we ordered, and it was the first warm and sunny day to get them in the ground. It was the first time in many, many months that I’ve been able to get outside and get my hands dirty and I was immediately reminded how much doing so energizes and sustains me.

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