Guest Post: Temporary Memorials As Sites Of Grief
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Guest Post: Temporary Memorials As Sites Of Grief

In recent years, we in the US have had to see a number of temporary memorials rise up. These memorials mark untimely, especially traumatic, deaths usually associated with victims of gun violence, brutality, or accidents. Memorials, especially if they are on the site of the event, become places to be in community with those lost and inhabit the same space, even if it is a headspace that is in memoriam. But these spaces aren’t just for remembering the dead, for the living temporary memorials become liminal sites that help individuals confront the trauma of sudden and often violent death.

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Remembering Pulse
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Remembering Pulse

On June 12, 2016 I woke up to news that something happened at Pulse. As more information came out the magnitude of what happened really hit. I spent the day checking in on friends who I knew liked to go there, making sure everyone was okay.

I’m from Florida originally and before I moved to the mid-Atlantic I attended college in Orlando and lived there for about six years. Orlando is where I came out, where I began more fully exploring my spiritual path, and where I started the long process of figuring out who I wanted to be. While I may have been physically born in South Florida, the person who I am today started in Orlando. In that way I see that city see as my home.

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