New Moon Ritual: June 2024
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: June 2024

I’m writing this morning feeling a mix of restless and well-rested. My jaw hurts from clenching it throughout the night. That’s probably because the message that came through was about fear and anxiety, and some of the way that manifested was through feeling these things very deeply at various points throughout the night.

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New Moon Ritual: April 2024
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: April 2024

You know that meme about the witch that forgets what day it is and then scrambles to put together their ritual with whatever is laying around the house? That wasn’t quite me for this new moon, but it was close. I totally lost track of time and didn’t realize the new moon coincided with the eclipse. Suffice it to say, this was a very interesting experience.

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New Moon Ritual: March 2024
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: March 2024

This month’s New Moon Ritual resulted in another very visual, visceral experience similar to the first ritual that resulted in this monthly endeavor. I’m a few days late in posting this because it took a while to figure the words, and even now I’m not entirely sure I’m capturing everything and doing the experience justice. I’m going to provide a brief narrative of what I experienced, followed by a few closing thoughts on what meaning I am finding. That doesn’t mean you’ll walk away from this with the same understandings.

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New Moon Ritual: January 2024
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: January 2024

Once I stopped getting in my own way, I was able to receive and process the power behind this message. For those of us in marginalized communities, especially those that don’t fit the worldview of the cis white supremacist Christian Nationalism that has roared to power, I think we sometimes forget how one of the most powerful tools of resistance we have in our arsenal is love.

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New Moon Ritual: December 2023
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: December 2023

Taproot (noun): 1) a primary root that grows vertically downward and gives off small lateral roots; 2) the central element or position in a line of growth or development.

This is the definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. This is also the word and image that came through repeatedly during this month’s ritual.

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New Moon Ritual: April 2023
New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching New Moon Ritual White Rose Witching

New Moon Ritual: April 2023

While the Call To Action post would technically qualify as my first post-ritual write up, I did not intend to make a habit out of writing down the thoughts and experiences I have during these monthly practices. After this month’s ritual, however, I think that recording these somewhere might be a good idea. And since I manage this blog it seemed like 1) an easy option and 2) allows y’all to engage with this process if you feel so inclined.

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