Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Newport Sex Scandal
Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching

Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Newport Sex Scandal

A forgotten bit of American queer history involves future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the YMCA, and a bunch of Navy men who liked to have sex with each other in the early 20th century. Often referred to as the Newport sex scandal, this episode in American queer and military history shone a light on the underground culture of men who had sex with men long before Stonewall. What began as one man’s moral crusade against homosexuality shortly after the end of World War I turned into a national moral panic that made it’s way all the way to the United States Senate.

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Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching

Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands

This month we remember a short-lived micronation that was born as a political response to LGBTQ+ discrimination in Australia. This micronation was founded in 2004 and lasted until 2017. The territory was comprised of small and mostly uninhabited islands and reefs in the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland, Australia.

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Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Siwa Oasis
Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching Queer Ancestor Spotlight White Rose Witching

Queer Ancestor Spotlight: Siwa Oasis

This post is a bit different because it doesn’t center a particular figure and instead focuses on a location: the Siwa Oasis. This oasis is located in Egypt, near the Libyan border. It is one of the most isolated settlements in Egypt with a distinct culture and language. Settlement at the oasis dates back to ancient Egypt, and it was home to an oracle of Ammon.

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