Ritual: Queer Ancestor Dance Party 2022
Ritual White Rose Witching Ritual White Rose Witching

Ritual: Queer Ancestor Dance Party 2022

To kick off Pride Month 2022 I decided to revisit the Queer Ancestor Dance Party ritual I posted last year. This ritual was inspired by an impromptu ecstatic ritual I found myself in last year, involving my old Queer Ancestor Shrine and some good dancing music. I spent some time designing a formal dance party ritual with appropriate boundaries and safeguards, and shared it with the internet in 2021.

I’ve continued adding to the playlist and have decided to provide an updated link!

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Ritual: Queer Ancestor Dance Party
Ritual White Rose Witching Ritual White Rose Witching

Ritual: Queer Ancestor Dance Party

For Pride Month 2021 I decided to write down and share something that I frequently do on my own as a way to recharge and connect with my Queer Ancestors. I am talking about hosting a Queer Ancestor Dance Party!

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