“This Isn’t Who We Are”: Actually, It Is…
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

“This Isn’t Who We Are”: Actually, It Is…

I’m sitting in my kitchen in a DC suburb a few days after the attempted coup at the US Capitol Building. Like many folks I’m still processing what happened - and what is continuing to happen - and have a hard time putting my phone down. Among the breaking news reports of arrests, the grandstanding of GOP elected officials doubling-down on conspiracy theories and rhetoric that stoked these violent flames, and chatter over what is and is not protected by the First Amendment I keep seeing a common refrain: This isn’t who we are.

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Why ‘White Rose’? The Story Behind The Name
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Why ‘White Rose’? The Story Behind The Name

I want to explain the story behind the name ‘White Rose Witching’. For a long time I’ve wanted to be more open about my spirituality and at the beginning of 2020 I decided to create a website where I could work out some of my thoughts on witchcraft and spiritual practice, share some of the things that I do, and hopefully find a way to connect with my local community and give back. At worst, this is a creative outlet and at best, some folks out there might connect with some of the things I do or ways I think about witchcraft.

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