Personal: Reflections from the Red Dragon Feast
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Personal: Reflections from the Red Dragon Feast

Over the weekend I was able to attend my first DC Red Dragon Feast and it was such an incredible experience. This is a queer magical ritual which began on the West Coast in the 1980s. This ongoing spell was first brought into being as a way to bring hope during the early days of the HIV/AIDS pandemic with the goal of focusing this energy towards finding a cure. It has since been expanded to include all blood-borne diseases.

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Learning From Our Queer Ancestors In Times Of Panic
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Learning From Our Queer Ancestors In Times Of Panic

I’m sitting on my couch after a week of mandated telework for my day job. My husband is next to me on his phone, similarly in a mandatory telework capacity. We had a bit of a scare last weekend when we he received word he would not be able to go to work for the rest of March but there was still no word if hourly workers would be paid. Luckily, come Monday, senior leadership in his organization approved pay and telework for part-time and hourly workers. We are very aware of how blessed we are in that regard as many folks across the country are being thrown into financial chaos as the the coronavirus outbreak continues.

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