Ritual: Protection And Prosperity For Hourly Wage Earners

It is a very scary time right now in many places around the world. I live in the United States where our elected leaders are currently debating how and if to support those severely impacted by the economic impact of coronavirus. I’ve been thinking about how I can do my part to support those vulnerable to financial uncertainty (and I don’t mean the billionaires and corporations currently lobbying for yet another bailout). In addition to purchasing curb-side or take-out as long as its safe to do so, supporting organizations such as United Way, and helping connect those in my community to resources to ensure they have access to food I also wanted to find ways to use my craft to bolster these actions.

Below are a few examples of ways you can use use your magic to help hourly workers, tip-earners, and local artists. Feel free to adapt these examples to fit your personal practice.

Candle Magic

In my personal practice either a green candle or a gold candle can be used for prosperity-related magic. I also use white candles for protection.

Take a white candle and focus on charging it with protection energy. Think of the folks in your life - friends and family - who are hourly workers, tip-earners, artists who are worried about the world right now. Folks who are wondering how to make their next rent or mortgage payment, or continue paying for childcare. If you have ever worked an hourly job think about what that experience was like and how you might feel right now. Focus on protecting these folks.

Take a green or yellow candle and focus on charging it with energy intended to attract money and prosperity. Like your mind conjure up as many ways as it can think of for vulnerable folks to have the money they need to survive find its way to them. The government can pass needed relief packages including the postponement of rent or mortgage payments, a moratorium on evictions, utility companies can be prohibited from cutting off services for nonpayment, folks find their way to a local artists online store, those with the means to do so continue to order from local restaurants and tip workers, etc.

Once your candles are sufficiently charged place them on a table, altar, etc. I put some extra items to focus my spellwork around the candles such as money or a small plate with salt.

Light the candles. If you feel called to invoke a specific deity or provide some sort of verbal component now would be a good time. I often will sit in reflection reach out to the Queer Ancestors and other spirit familiars to lend assistance.

Money Sigil

If you are able to still order take-out, curbside, or delivery and are paying in cash consider turning the tip money into an anchor for a prosperity charm.

I usually pay with credit card when ordering food online or over the phone, but try to make a point of tipping the delivery person in cash. You never know what sort of policies a business has about how, when, and how much of a tip placed on a card is given to the worker. I’m not terribly versed in sigil magic but have used it on occasion. There are some great books out there with information on how to craft a sigil, or you may already feel drawn to one for this working in particular.

While you are waiting for your order to arrive take one of the bills you plan to use as a tip and trace the sigil on it with your finger (or any tool you might normally use for this work). This would be the time to invoke any specific deity you work with or include a verbal component. Visualize this bill serving as a magnet to attract future prosperity to the person you hand it to when completing the transaction when the order arrives. You may want o be very intentional that this is a short-term charm specifically designed only for the next person who receives this bill, or some other parameters to that end.

Online Payment Memo “Sigil”

This is another form of spellwork I’m only starting to get acquainted with, but I was thinking about how limiting the above money charm might be for those who don’t have cash on hand or don’t have the option for anything other than an online transaction.

This might be a good option if you are supporting a local artist via Venmo or PayPal. You can craft a “sigil” by parsing down a phrase that encapsulates your intention, for example: Let This Payment Attract Future Prosperity.

One common way of crafting sigil is by first removing the vowels from the phrase:

Let This Payment Attract Future Prosperity

Lt Ths Pmnt ttrct Ftr Prsprt

You can then remove duplicate consonants:

Lt Ths Pmnt ttrct Ftr Prsprt

Lt hs Pmn rc F

In some practices I’ve seen you would then take these remaining letters and rearrange them into a symbol/shape that you feel best represents your intention. On a memo line for an online transaction we don’t have that ability, but instead you can string these letters together:


At worst, someone will think you have a weird acronym or your finger slipped. At best, the recipient may recognize the spellwork and be grateful for the additional care and concern you’ve shown.

In addition to the above you should consider donating to organizations trying to provide relief and support to our vulnerable communities (if you are able). Below are just a few I would recommend:

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund

No Kid Hungry

Meals On Wheels America

Feeding America

National Domestic Workers Alliance


Ritual: Maintaining Boundaries For Work/Life Balance


Learning From Our Queer Ancestors In Times Of Panic